Climate change as many know it, has been a big issue around the world. There are anthropogenic and natural causes which are responsible for this cause but individually they contribute a small amount but are a huge factor as a whole. One of the main problems about the climate change is global warming.
What is global warming? It is the increase in the mean temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is said that the temperature has been rising by 0.5° every year and the highest temperature recorded was 47.6° in Faya, Chad in 22nd June 2010. This causes the sea levels to rise due to the snow melting. It is said that the sea levels will rise by at least 25 meters by the year 2100. The sea surface temperature has risen in the last few years. This means there will be more evaporation taking place and this frees several chemicals which help global warming take place.
Graph showing the number of storms per year during the years
The number of storms increases every year.
The areal extent of sea ice is decreasing
Graph showing the areal extent of sea ice during the years
Ocean Heat Content
Sea Level
Temperature Over Oceans
Sea Surface Temperature
Snow Cover
Temperature Over Land
Air Temperature near Surface (Troposphere)
Sea Ice
How do we know global warming exists? Well, the glaciers and icebergs have been melting due to the high temperatures. Weather balloon measurements were taken from the years 1975 to 2005 and they say that the temperature has been rising by 0.23°C. Eleven of the twelve years (1995 to 2006) were ranked among the 12 warmest years in record of the global surface temperature the frequency of hurricanes also has increased due to this. Sea surface temperatures and ocean temperatures are showing long-term warming trends. This can be proved by drilling a hole in the ice and analysing the air bubbles because the deeper down the layer of