Global warming is real and is happening right now. The temperature of the earth has been charted and numerous scientists all produce the same charts. These charts all indicate that since the 1920’s the earth’s temperature has been rising each year. Also, one major indicator of global warming is what is happening to glaciers around the world. Glaciers in the Alps like the Rhone glacier have receded about 2.5 kilometers since 1859 due to melting. The fact that temperatures are rising and that glaciers are melting confirms that global warming is occurring.
After proving that global warming is real the next step to the argument is that global warming is man made. One major green house gas that contributes to global warming is CO2. The earth’s atmosphere is fragile and is based off of a balanced amount of chemical components like nitrogen and carbon dioxide. When this balance is thrown off due to the amount of gases humans are producing it will cause for the atmosphere to become unstable and allow global warming to occur. The