Sulu when he and his subjects headed to Sabah to reclaim their once territory.
Some standoff that went on for over a month now.
This standoff that gained nothing but transgressions, especially on the
side of the sultanate of Sulu. Their futile measures to repossess Sabah. Their
defiance against the president's orders to not proceed. This only resulting to the
massacre of the sultan's clan members. To this day, the sultan, his family, and
followers were being hunted down by the Malaysian military forces. With this,
they always have to take evasive action for them to survive. Then, there's the
possible criminal charges which the Kiram family might face once they go back
to the Philippines.
Additional problems to be solved by the government. The people fleeing
from Sabah, Malaysia because of the ongoing firefight between the Royal Family
of Sulu and the Malaysian Armed Forces there; Heading to refuge camps in our
country. Also, the decline on the supply of goods in Muslim provinces in the
Philippines. The goods and services, coming from Malaysia, are having increase
in terms of their price.
All of these are happening because the Malaysian government is
prohibiting the people in our country to enter their territory without their
Now that the facts about this issue are laid down, we will readily
proceed my personal thoughts regarding this matter.
First of all, I find it a very impulsive and reckless move for the Royal
Family of Sulu to start yet another dispute between the Philippines and
Malaysia. To make another historical claim in regards with Sabah is like
starting a never-ending war. It