Economies of Digitalization (PAGE 26 DIGITAL LEADERSHIP) Digitalization and Global Changes
Labor Market
Ten years after the appearance of the …show more content…
Therefore, Frey and Osbourne carried out a study in 2013. Three categories were defined where replacement through machines is not yet imaginable. Perception and manipulation competences build the first category, which rely on being able to functionate in a complex and unstructured environment. Second, creative-intelligent ability requires to develop new valuable ideas or artefacts. Last mentioned category is social intelligence, which is needed for negotia-tions, persuasion or in the health care professions (Frey & Osborne, 2013). A few years before Frey and Osbourne (2013), Levy and Murnane (2004) analyzed the same matter. Corresponding with the third category of Frey and Osbourne (2013) Levy and Murnane also came to the conclusion that complex communication is rather done by a human than a computer (Murnane & Levy, 2012). Summarizing these conducted studies, program-mer or middle management as well executive committee members will so far not be re-placed by machines. In regard to management and leading employees in times of digital-ization, digital leadership will be elaborated in chapter 2.2 coping …show more content…
Mainly us-ing to improve teaching and learning processes instead of replacing face-to-face lectures. Still not common are full online course programs. Although, institutions could tremen-dously benefit from teaching thousands of students using digital technologies. Howev-er, since most of these institution’s infrastructure is not yet appropriate and the human capital needed is not available, new technologies cannot be applied efficiently (Bernath & Hülsmann, 2004; Guri-Rosenbli, 2005).
Being able to use new technologies for a better tertiary education is crucial, as for 2030 it is claimed to have a knowledge society where real time data dominates (Bounfour, 2016).
As having mentioned before, machines will take over tasks currently done by humans. Therefore, it has never been a better time to acquire special skills or invest in the right education (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2011).