At the time of independence, Zambia was expected to become of the wealthiest nations in Africa. With access to raw materials such as copper and land, Zambia seemed to have all it needed to succeed in the global economy. However, it is now one of the world’s poorest nations. So how did this dramatic change take place in less than 30 years? Much of Africa has experienced economic decline in the past decades. How does Zambia’s situation compare to other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, and how is it affected by the geographic context in which it exists? Examining the economic situation and Zambia’s place in the global economy will help these questions to be understood.
Lusaka, Zambia
Zambia is a land-locked country located in central Africa. About the size of Texas, it is home to 11 million people. The population is made up of a variety of ethnic groups, most of whom speak Bantu. Zambia is currently one of the poorest countries in Africa, and is identified by the United Nations Development Program as a HIPC – Highly Indebted Poor Country.
“Lusaka is the product of a country battling to find its way in a new world, caught between colonial beginnings, years of socialist independence and now democracy.” -Zambian National Tourist Board
Lusaka became the capital of Zambia in 1930 but growth really took place in the 1960’s. The Lusaka City Council describes the city as a metropolis home to 2.5 million people.
Lusaka is constantly changing. New shops are being built, and a multi-million dollar shopping mall is being constructed. However, the Zambian National Tourist Board warns that many travelers may not see any reason to stay and that over 60% of the population of Lusaka is unemployed. Of those that do have work, much of it is in farming, textiles and manufacturing.
Economic History
Before it was colonized, Zambia was inhabited by a large number of different tribes, organized into chieftaincies and monarchies.
Bibliography: Mining In Zambia Ministry of Mines and Minerals Africa Focus Zambia: Condemned to Debt AfricaFocus Bulletin June 3, 2004 Times of Zambia Can EPZ survive where other similar ideas have failed? Zambian Tourism Booms Crisis in neighboring Zimbabwe boosts foreign travel By Shapi Shacinda Reuters Feb. 8, 2005 UNDP 2001 Rural-Urban Linkages and Poverty Analysis Global Campaign for Education 2005 Policy Briefing Back to Square One IMF Wage Freeze Leaves teachers in the cold. Again. Zambia Human Development Report 2003 UNDP Zambia: The Hard Road to HIPC Completion – Yearender Integrated Regional Information Networks January 6, 2005 Global Policy Forum Tracing Zambia’s HIPC History The Times of Zambia (Ndola) September 28, 2005 By Jacqueline Sitali Make Poverty History Zambia: The Cost of Debt HIV & AIDS in Zambia The Epidemic and its impact UNAIDS: Zambia International Market Research – Zambia Country Commercial Guide Economic Feasibility of Fish Culture in Zambia Chapter 2: General Economic Context Zambia Virtual The Economic History of Zambia Globalization and Complementary Policies: Poverty Impacts in Rural Zambia Balat, Jorge, and Porto, Guido National Bureau of Economic Research March 2005