HES 4806
Contents Page
1.1. Introduction-Founding and history of SANSA ? 1
1.2. SANSA motto 1
1.3. SANSA mission and directorates 1
1.4. SANSA strategic goals 3
1.5. Vision and mandates 3
1.6 Is the creation of SANSA justifiable 4
2.1. Background 5
2.2. The objective and role of the new satellite 5
2.3. How the satellite will capture images 5
2.4. Effects of orbits on temporal and spatial resolutions 6
2.5. Imager systems 7
References: 1. Elbert B R .2008.Technology and Engineering .page 8.Google Books. 2. Geospatial Data 2013. Google search 3. Jensen JR, 2007.Remote Sensing of the Environmnent.An Earth Resource Perspective.2nd Edition. Prentice Hall. Upper Sadle River. NJ 4. Lillesand TM, Keiffer R W and Chipman JW, 2009.Remote Sensing and Image interpretation.6th Edition.Wesr Sussex, John Wiley and Sons. 5. Mather M and Koch, M.2011.Computer Processing of Remotely Sensed Images.4th Edition. West Sussex, John Wiley and Sons. 6. SANSA website.2013 7.Thales Alenia Space (2013) Google search 8. Wainwright John and Mulligan Mark, 2005.Environmental Modelling: Finding Simplicity in Complexity. West Sussex. John Wiley and Sons. 12