Critical Reflection
Student ID: Word count:
Module code and title: ED1025 – Introduction to Special Education
Reflect on your experiences in carrying out this assignment and complete the statements below.
1. In the process of doing the assignment I learned…
2. What I found most difficult was…
3. I think the strength of this submission is…
4. Feed forward – in future I will focus on the following areas in order to progress…
5. What feedback from previous assignments have you found helpful in completing this work …
Portfolio Task 1:
Write a reflective piece about an encounter with SEND in the course of your own education and describe how this has shaped your views. 250 words
1:Type your answer in this section (250 words)
Word count:
Portfolio Task 2:
Write a 250 word summary of Chapter 2 in the Course Reader and consider your personal response to it. You must use your own words.
2:Type your answer in this section (250 words)
Word count:
Portfolio Task 3:
Independently research one of the 11 categories of need. Clearly describe the identifying features/condition, how this affects the ability to learn, and the main strategies schools can use to meet those needs. 250 words. You must cite and reference your sources fully and in accordance with Cite Them Right. You can submit a printed version for formative feedback in week 4.
3:Type your answer in this section (250 words)
Word count (you do not need to count references):
Portfolio Task 4:
Summarize Chapter 1 in the Course Reader in your own words. Pay particular attention to the key recommendations of the Warnock Report and how these were implemented in the 1981 Education Act (You may draw on additional sources here). Respond to Warnock’s more recent assessment of its consequences and effectiveness. 250 words. You must cite and reference your