Designed for Stage 1 - Year 2
Melissa Martin 220101596
Storysack Contents:
Contents Page
Letter to Parents: Storysack;
Introduction, explanation and directions on use.
‘Gina the Dancing Queen’ by
Marisa Alo
‘Giraffes and Zebras’ by Michael and Jane Pelusey
Prompt Cards
Matching Game
Graphophonic Activity
Handwriting Activity
Punctuation Activity
Talking/Listening Activity
Felt characters, felt board and props Character Masks
Letter to Parents/Carers
Dear Parent/Carer,
A storysack is a large cloth bag containing a children's picture book with supporting materials to stimulate language activities and make reading a memorable and enjoyable experience. The storysack gives parents and carers an easy and enjoyable way to engage children in literacy, their support and involvement ensures the success of this storysack.
This storysack is based on the book ‘Gina the Dancing Queen’ by Marisa Alo. Marisa Alo, a passionate dancer, was inspired to write this story for children about the joy of dancing. The book is a heart-warming story about believing in oneself and following a dream. The book also contains a great introduction to the different styles of dance. Within the storysack is the book ‘Gina the dancing queen,’ an accompanying non-fiction book ‘Giraffes and
Zebras’ by Michael and Jane Pelusey has been included. Also contained in the storysack are felt characters, a felt board and props to assist with the telling of the story. The storysack also contains a prompt card, a game and a variety of activities to support children’s literacy. There is also an audio recording of the book so children are able to “read” the book without assistance if they choose.
The game is a literacy based matching games that focusses on the parts of speech, such as; adjectives, adverbs, common nouns, proper nouns, pronouns and verbs. All of the words to be matched have been sourced from the book ‘Gina the Dancing Queen.’