Edgar Allen Poe had seen people he knew die and his emotions clearly showed in his poems. For example, The Masque of Red Death was written while his wife Virginia was sick with tuberculosis. It has been suggested that he got his inspiration for the red death, the fictional plague in his story, from her disease. The poem states that the red death was so fatal, so hideous, that the madness and the sharp pains lasted for a half an hour. The story parallels Virginia 's struggle against death and her final inability to escape (Hurley 1).
In the end, Poe could not escape his own death either, and I have yet to see the person who could. "His death, strangely enough, was very similar to his stories, a complete mystery. He lived in New York, but was found disheveled in Baltimore. He lay unconscious and was rushed to the hospital. He lapsed in and out of consciousness for days; his last words were, 'Lord help my poor soul '. Poe was only 40 years old, and no one is certain what caused his death " (Hurley 1). Many people believed he died because of an alcohol-linked illness, but it was recently discovered that Poe had been abstaining from alcohol for six months prior to his death. Besides poetry Poe had another love, cats. In Poe 's time there was no vaccine for rabies, so it is very possible that is what killed him. The hospital records also seem to point in that direction (Geier 1). So it seems cats may have caused his heart to beat, nevermore.
Works Cited
Hurley, Richard. "Fear of Imminent Death." British Medical Journal July 2003:
1-3. EBSCO Host. 23 October 2003
Geier, Thom.
Cited: Hurley, Richard. "Fear of Imminent Death." British Medical Journal July 2003: 1-3. EBSCO Host. 23 October 2003 Geier, Thom. "People." U.S. News & World Report September 1996: 1-3. EBSCO Host. 22 October 2003