Walden University
EDU 1001-3
March 18, 2013
Selection of teacher is a very serious job because a teacher deals with children and they are the future of any nation. The behavior of a child can be reflected with by the behavior of his teacher and hence a teacher should be a good person and a good human being. The main qualities of a teacher should contain extreme patience which is needed in case of teaching children and if this quality is missing then that individual is incapable of becoming a teacher. Recently I was given the opportunity to conduct an interview of a teacher. The name of the teacher was Linda (actual name hidden) and she was a teacher by profession and was teaching kindergarten children. The experience of this interview was amazing because fist of all she was a lady with an exceptional personality and there was always a smile in her face. I definitely asked about the reason for her smile and why she keeps on smiling, in reply I got a very interesting. According to her whatever we do are imitated by the children and she wants that her every children should keep a smile in their faces always. The age group of children she was dealing with was in the range of 4-8 years. The children in her school were from different backgrounds with different ethics and rituals. The demographics of the children and their families were very strong and concern. In her interview she stated about the background of the families of the children as very educated and the parents are very concerned about the quality of the education their children are getting. Her experience in this field was around 15 years. The most enjoyable thing in her job was to deal with children who give inner peace and this was the main reason for choosing this field. In her view the accomplishment as a teacher to give a fruitful teaching to her fellow children and share some learning experience with them.
Quality education is necessary for the children because they are the future of the nation. It is very important for the family members to keep a track for the education and development of the child and provide quality education to their children. According to her thoughts the components or the elements that are required for quality education are the availability of the resources and the proper utilization of these resources. Quality education can be provided by analyzing the level of the hard work and the effort the teacher is providing in her work. The quality of the education majorly depends upon the quality of the teachers. As the interview progressed she started describing an ideal environment for learning and spreading the knowledge to the children. She told that gaining education is most crucial thing and it needs a proper environment such as the environment in the classroom which will enhance the learning experience of the children. The involvement of the families in deciding the education of their children is very important because they are the first person who decides that where their children will study and the choice of the education are in their hands. The option they choose will be reflected in the child’s life always. Also parents should be responsible because they have to support their children in every stage of the education. The advice she suggested to the new comers and the families those who are handling their children for the first time was to decide in which school they should be admitted to and should do the actual background research about that institution and the available facilities they are providing. One thing that she would be interested in learning was the ability of handling the children and to maintain patience before starting this profession. To keep a track on the current research and affairs she used to read daily magazines which deals with children mentality and used to learn from senior teacher, she also took an example of learning from an individual mother and learn how she treats her child and the same thing she would try in her profession. Recommendations about the books are mentioned below in the references table which she recommended for children education. The lessons like caring and loving are the most important things that she learnt in her whole career. The way the parents love and care about their children has been the most effective learning experience for her. To the final question she responded that the person she admires most was the principal of the institute where she was working and the reason behind that were her simplicity and high thinking, her care and loving nature towards children.
References of books: * Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Paperback) by Bill Martin Jr. * Where the Wild Things Are (Paperback) by Maurice Sendak. * The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Board book) by Eric Carle.
EDUC 1001 Application Assignment Evaluation Criteria
Application Assignments are worth a maximum of 400 points for the entire course.
Note: For privacy purposes, you may not include the actual name of any student, parent, or professional referenced in the assignment.
In this course there are two graded Application Assignments. Each is worth a maximum of 200 points, which will be awarded as follows:
152–200 points * Response demonstrates a full understanding and correct use of the concepts and/or strategies as presented in the Learning Resources. * Response follows directions and includes all components indicated in the instructions. If requested, references are included and properly cited. * Writing demonstrates mastery of all criteria for high academic literacy standards as indicated in “Writing Across the Curriculum” (see below).
101–151 points * Response demonstrates a general understanding and correct use of the concepts and/or strategies as presented in the Learning Resources. * Response follows directions and includes most components indicated in the instructions. If requested, references are included and properly cited. * Writing demonstrates mastery of most criteria for high academic literacy standards as indicated in “Writing Across the Curriculum” (see below).
100 or fewer points * Response demonstrates a minimal understanding and correct use of the concepts and/or strategies as presented in the Learning Resources. * Response does not follow all directions and is missing components indicated in the instructions. If requested, references are not included and properly cited. * Writing is unclear and/or disorganized. Thoughts are not expressed in a logical manner. Few criteria for high academic literacy standards as indicated in “Writing Across the Curriculum” (see below) are followed.
Writing Across the Curriculum
Walden University is committed to high academic literacy standards. To develop these skills in students, this course has a strong emphasis on written assignments which may include content review questions, Application Assignments, case study analyses, observations, and online Discussions. All assignments are expected to meet the following standards: 1. Clear central idea carefully and coherently developed and with intended emphasis 2. Correct grammar; no persistent mechanical errors 3. Neat appearance with evidence of having been carefully proofread 4. Academic integrity and honesty 5. Full documentation of research work 6. References cited using APA style (except in Discussion postings)
References: cited using APA style (except in Discussion postings)