1) Introduction
2) A critical review of competencies, skills, theories and approaches
3) Bureaucratic Views
4) Theory X and Theory Y
5) The Systems Theory
6) The Contingency Theory
7) Role Theory
8) Paradigm 1: Christian scientific education management
9) Paradigm 2: Education management
10) Paradigm 3: Education governance and management
11) Collegiality Theory
12) What should Effective Educational Management look like in schools?
13) Conclusion
14) Reference Page
1) Introduction:
Schools in South Africa are a unique kind of organisation, with clearly defined goals and policies. Schools function through a hierarchical structure of authority whereby every aspect of the school needs to function accordingly. Schools are also, a dynamic and ever- changing system continually responding to influences both externally and internally. In order for schools to render an effective service of education certain structures need to be in place, and effective undertakings of various management functions need to be prioritised (Naidu, 2008:74). ‘Educational organisations, are human endeavours’ (Owens and Valensky, 2011: 84), and to deal with them effectively is to deal with human social systems. Management effectiveness in schools relates to competencies, skills and approaches. However, school management teams interventions which are aimed at improving their current situations, lack results as managers continually rely upon management approaches that are not effective for improving their organisations.
This essay consists of various components. Firstly it critically discusses competencies, skills and approaches of Educational Management and Organisational Theory. Once these have been discoursed it aims to discuss the improvement of management in struggling dysfunctional schools by adopting and displaying which management approach and theories will underpin my task teams undertaking by improving the breakdown of management