We do not think a classical education 1. The thesis! But, what was a "classical
proper for women. It may pervert education" in 1815? Probably Latin and
their minds, but it cannot elevate them. Greek, philosophy and the "classics" of
It has been asked, Why a woman should literature.
not learn the dead languages as well as
the modern ones? For this plain reason, 2. Perversion, not elevation, is the result of
that the one are still spoken, and may education of women-learning "taints"
have immediate associations connected women.
with them, and the other not. A woman 3. Women learn modern languages only to
may have a lover who is a Frenchman, be able to speak to their lovers-women
or an Italian, or a Spaniard; and it is have a shallow purpose for education.
well to be provided against every con-
tingency in that way. But what possible
interest can she feel in those old-fash-
ioned persons, the Greeks and Romans,
or in what was done two thousand years
ago? A modern widow would doubtless 4. Allusion to "poor" actors of the day (see
prefer Signor Tramezzani to Aeneas, and footnote) who are preferable to historical
Mr. Conway would be a formidable ri- figures (Aeneas, Paris)-women have little
val to Paris. No young lady in our days, interest in history or politics, only romantic
in conceiving an idea of Apollo, can go self-gratification.
a step beyond the image of her favorite
poet: nor do we wonder that our old
friend, the Prince Regent, passes for a
perfect Adonis in the circles of beauty
and fashion. Women in general have
no ideas, except personal ones. They
are mere egoists. They have no passion
for truth, nor any love of what is purely
ideal. They hate to think, and they hate 5. Women don't think, are selfish, frivolous
every one who seems to think of any-
thing but themselves. Everything is to
them a perfect nonentity