Prof. K. Sudha Rao Dr. Mithilesh Kr Singh
Introduction The emergence of a world wide economic order has immense consequences for higher education more so under the changes that have taken place in the recent past with regard to globalization, industrialization, information technology
advancement and its impact on education aided to these are the policy changes that have taken place at the UGC, AICTE, DEC, NCTE, Medical Council, …BOR Council, Architecture Council and such other regulatory bodies from time to time to accommodate these development and yet maintain quality students in higher education. The landscape in general, has changed towards a new order. It is
obvious Centre and state governments and that the institutions and academic and non academic staff need to gear themselves to deal with the challenges posed by those to achieve the slated, and this demands review of beaten track, set notions, comfort, attitudes and work styles. It is time for all those who are concerned with policymaking, planning, administration and implementation of Higher Educations to revitalize the very thinking on the subject and put it on the right track. As is known that the Indian higher education system is not only large but also the most complex one. Keeping these in view, present paper is focused on the following : (i) Higher Education system in India and its growth – both in terms of institutions and enrolment. State-wise distributions ; and descipline-wise
achievements, (ii)
Impact of such a growth on the society and the needed
corrections, (iii) issues related to affordability of students and the needed attention in terms of financial inputs. (iv) The role of regulatory body in this changed present condition, the needed policy changes to face the present day challenges such as the global demand for qualified man power and the role of higher education in training this work force for
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