A very good description of your personal learning style. You have covered all of the requirements for content in the paper …
The discussion of education in America is one of the most important topics that our nation faces today. America’s economic future and ability to compete with the rest of the world depends on having a highly educated populace and well trained workforce. Our education system has had its problems but I feel that over time with the right elected officials, we can turn around and rank in the top ten to compete globally.…
The current, test based, American Educational system fails to instill in student a desire for life- long learning and does not prepare them to be well rounded and successful adults. A change in educational philosophy needs to be made in this country before it is to late. Educations is what defines a person life and without a proper education, people wont be able to go anywhere in life. Students usually study for their test and forget what they studied the next day. After school all students want to do is get away from their work and not have to do it anymore. There is not necessarily a perfect educational system, but it could be better than what we have now. People are not going where they are supposed to after schooling. There is a book, That Used To Be Us by Thomas L. Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum, which can prove this.…
When such schools exist where funding is nowhere adequate and sufficient enough to prepare a child for college and beyond, we should ask ourselves, “have we given up on public schools?” Have we given up on the kids because we have given up on the future? Benjamin Barber stresses this thought-provoking idea because there is, without a doubt, a need for a change. In a book written by Deborah Tannen called The Argument Culture: Moving from Debate to Dialogue, she expresses the idea that when two parties have a debate over an issue then usually there can only be two sides to a solution; no more no less. The more one side gets into conflict with another, the more it is willing to take outrageous action to not be proven wrong. Could it be that the United States, a nation regarded as the hegemon of the Earth, must now consider reform and learn from the education structure of smaller countries? Maybe this thought process is what prompts America to be stubborn about changing its own educational system and sticks to its own material hoping that one day everything will work itself out. Well, with the number of unemployment rates still relatively high and those will college degrees relatively low compared to other nations, it seems as though we need a…
American schools have the responsibility to create better human beings, and they are expected to do it consistently over the years for all young people. Currently, anyone can observe the differences between the school system today and 10 years ago. The academic rigor and behavioral expectations of American education have declined. The efforts to make students more competitive worldwide and ready to embrace the demanding workforce have not borne out. The Schools are failing our children because of low standards and poor discipline policies.…
Have you ever felt like you or your child is not getting a proper education? Are you a student who has below average grades and yet still manages to pass your class? Have you ever wondered why the U.S has gone from 18th in math to 31st? The answer to these questions, and many more that people have been posing is quite simple. Our education has just simply gotten worse. Many people today in society believe our education has gotten worse, though some believe that it is up to standards. I believe that our education has actually gotten worse, because the quality of our education has been going down, our performance has been going down, and our standardized tests are a mess.…
Is American education in crisis? 2. Is American education failing and declining? 3. What is the evidence for the reforms now being promoted by federal government and adopted in many…
Think about what educational system was like in the early 1900’s. Now think about the educational system today. The educational system has changed substantially since the introduction of public education in the mid to late 1800’s to the modern day educational system that many of us are aware of today. Back in the old days schools used to be equipped with slide rulers, chalkboards, and typewriters. Now modern day schools are equipped with electronic calculators, smartboards, and computers. However, now the educational system needs another adjustment. The educational system today is flawed with the lack of teacher training, the high stress, high workload school environment, and that schools can’t prepare their students for life. Leon Botstein, author of “Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood” addresses these key issues. However, Botstein states dramatic and head scratching solutions that will leave anybody wondering if Botstein went to school. On the flip side David L. Kirp, the author of “The Secret to Fixing Bad Schools” as well as Horace Mann, author of “Report of the Mass Board of Education: provide…
“a continuing recession, escalating political polarization, rising racial/ethnic tensions, a growing national debt, and a widening divide between the haves and the have nots portend a future fraught with unprecedented challenges to and clashes over the form and substance of public education in America” (p.1).…
There are many things wrong with the current public school system, specifically the secondary schools. The destructive environment of the secondary school system is turning young adults away from academics. Progress is quivering as trivial social matters in the high school arena rear their ugly heads. This system needs to be updated. It needs to be changed to fit the modern world, changed to allow the United States to start making positive progress in academic excellence once…
Schooling is seen as a necessary part of life in America for generations, needed to transform the children of the nation into happy and productive individuals. Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem with overall performance. According to the Program for International Student Assessment survey administered by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development in 2012, the United States ranks 27th in math, 17th in reading, and 20th in science. According to the OECD the US spends more on education than most countries with an average of $115,000 per student (PISA, 1). Unfortunately, that level of spending has not equaled an improvement in education. We have tried to improve our schools with more money, better teachers, and legislation such as No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. What if the true problem with schooling is not the components of the system, but the system itself? In the article “Against School” John Taylor Gatto present several causes for the failing of the American public school system. One of the main causes he puts forth is the institution of compulsory schooling in a system designed to repress the working class, keeping the classes…
“Against school” is argumentative that tell us about how the public education system in capacitates, Gatto claims that the public education system causes children to become bored with themselves, to conform to the way of the school and it’s teachers, and it causes them to lack the ability to deal with issues that go on the real world, outside of school. Gatto’s explanation for this is that it is partially the teachers fault. The students become bored because the teacher is actually bored with teaching the subject. Students would be adamant to learn if they were given and education and not schooling. They need to be encouraged to have the qualities to succeed in life instead of sitting in a prison style that he believes that the student should be able to manage themselves.…
School reform includes a number of programs and policies. A reform normally changes or affects the way a school is ran; there are two types of reforms; one deals with curriculum the other administration. Today, many school reforms are driven by the idea that U.S. students need to be more competitive. To retain this country 's international leadership, our schools must prepare all students to be productive in the world marketplace. In a highly competitive world economy, business leaders are concerned about the future of our workforce. Educators think we expect too little from our children. Basic skills are no longer enough. Students need not only to have a good understanding of the core academic subjects, they must also be able to solve problems, make decisions, and be prepared for responsible citizenship and productive employment in our nation 's modern economy (What does School Reform means to my neighborhood Schools?, 2010). The purpose of the paper is to discuss standard school base reform; its beginning and how it affects the students today.…
Thirty years ago, America was still considered to be a "land of opportunity" and the economy was flourishing. There was less crime, lower divorce rates, and the American people had much less to worry about, like debt, and the world seemed less irrational. Beforehand, gum chewing and talking in class were, for the most part, the major disciplinary problems in our schools; today, many public schools have been equipped with metal detectors because violence has become such a threat to everyday safety. Over thirty years ago, America was the leader in magnitude and superiority of high school diplomas. Today, our nation is ranked 18th out of 23 industrialized countries ("11 Facts About Education in America"). Classrooms are getting more crowded…
In his article “Kenneth Cole Gets Schooled” David Sirota writes, “Taking an honest look at America’s education system brings up queries about why other less economically stratified nations have unionized teachers and far better academic results than here in America (761)” Students in other countries such as Korea, Finland, Japan, the Netherlands, and Canada have far better academic results than those in America, yet the teachers are not the one who need to be accepting all the blame for the failing academic standards. I am an elementary education major and have grown up as a teacher’s kid and have always found this statement and fact somewhat interesting. Now attending college I understand this statement, and reasoning behind it, a bit more as I have begun to receive a better education.…