Background paper for the Philippines Poverty Assessment 2004
Jose Garcia Montalvo
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ADB Asian Development Bank
APIS Annual Poverty Incidence Survey
CHED Commission of Higher Education, Gov. of Philippines.
DepEd Department of Education, Gov. of Philippines.
LSF Labor Force Survey
PCER Presidential Commission on Education Reform.
HELM Higher Education and Labor Market Study.
HEI Higher Education Institution.
FIES Family Income and Expenditure Survey
TESDA Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
NEDA National Economic and Development Authority
PIDS Philippines Institute for Development Studies
TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training
PESS Philippines Education Sector Study
PPA Previous Philippines Poverty Assessment (2001)
SUC State University/College
LUC Local University/College
CSI CHED Supervised Institution
VAR Vector Autorregression
PhP Philippines’ pesos
1. Introduction
2. Inputs, outputs and the quality of education 1. International comparisons: education and productivity 2. Basic indicators of education in Philippines: efficiency and effectiveness 1. Primary and secondary education 2. Higher education 3. Inputs, outputs and efficiency: the regional dimension
3. Education and labor market outcomes
4. Regional shocks and workers education 1. Persistence of geographical differences in unemployment rates by skill level. 2. How do workers with different skill levels adjust to shocks?
5. Equity in the access to education 1. Basic expenditure indicators 2. Educational attainment and enrolment 3. Equity in the access to higher education 1. Education expenditure and access 2. Reasons for not being enrolled in education 3. Benefit
References: Table 2.1. Gross enrolment rates (2001) | |Primary |Secondary |Tertiary | |Vietnam |103.4 |69.7 |10.0 | Source: EdStats, Worldbank (2003). Table 2.2: Public expenditure on education (1998-2000). |Indonesia |1.3 |7.0 | Source: UNESCO (latest figure for period 1998-2000). [pic]Source: ADB (2004).