College of Ats & Sciences
Department of Psychology
First Semester 2013-2014
Karla Camille B. Garces
Trying to solve education problems while aiming to use education as a means to solve other problems can be very confusing. Do we improve education to solve economic problems or should we address first the economic problems that lead to poor education?
Diane Ravitch's new book "Reign of Error", the first proposed solution comes in Chapter 22, Begin at the Beginning. With this suggestion, Ravitch illustrates a perspective that places education as a goal and not as a means. This is a very useful frame of reference since it does make the objectives a lot clearer.
The following table, copied from the Lancet (H. Blencowe et al., National, regional, and worldwide estimates of preterm birth rates in the year 2010 with time trends since 1990 for selected countries: a systematic analysis and implications, The Lancet, Volume 379, Issue 9832, 9–15 June 2012, Pages 2162-2172) provides a list of the top ten countries ranked according to the number preterm births:
It is seldom that we find both the Philippines and the United States of America in a table of "Top Ten", but here is one rare example. This table says what it says. It is different from test scores where doubts can be raised regarding the validity, appropriateness and accuracy of the test materials. What is worth nothing here is that there are no countries that perform very well in international standardized exams in this list. Finland, Singapore, South Korea, and Canada are not on this list. The correlation between learning outcomes and what happens inside the womb is indeed especially striking
Preterm births, of course, are strongly associated with low birth weight (less than 5 lbs. 8 oz.). There are numerous studies that examine how low