2012 - 2013
1. Utilization of Pharmaceutical Economics in the healthcare policy of the SR
Objective and the expected outcomes:
In this work, the doctorial student should investigate the principles and functions of Pharmaceutical
Economics (PE) that deals with the economic aspects of healthcare provision, especially pharmacotherapy in relation to its effectiveness and attempt to extend its use in healthcare and drug policies.
Based on the study of literature reviews and professional literature the student must evaluate the utilization of PE so far and analyze different approaches to the PE as a tool of healthcare and drug policies in the SR in comparison with other EU countries. This requires an interdisciplinary research approach, i. e. the ability to relate and use theories and methods of economics, pharmacology and medicine. The basic assumption is that PE can help solve the discrepancy between the rate of healthcare needs‘ growth and the rate of economic and financial potential growth of the country. PE should be a part of decision-making processes, a tool that helps organizers and management of healthcare in their decision-making related to the use of limited financial resources to satisfy the healthcare needs of the maximum number of people on the acceptable level of quality.
Connection to the Faculty scientific priorities and research project:
4th priority of basic research Reform and effectiveness of the public sector.
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Helena Kuvíková, PhD.
2. Performance efficiency management and control in healthcare facilities
Objective and the expected outcomes:
This work should investigate the current approaches, methods and possibilities of performance efficiency assessment in various organizational and legal entities in the healthcare system, evaluate their benefits and limitations and compare them. In addition to measuring the performance efficiency of the current and