IV: The different distance intensities of light at specified lengths (1 meter, 2 meter, and 3 meters) DV: The number of terrestrial isopods (rolypolies) on the unlighted side on the petri dish.
Control: The unlighted side of the opened up petri dish.
Purpose: To determine the light sensitivity of terrestrial isopods (rolypolies) in different levels of lighted environment.
Number of Trials: Three 30, 60, and 90 second trials for each specified level of light at 1, 2, and 3 meters distance.
Constants: The temperature of the room, petri dish, time trials for each trial of light distance testing, and the number of trials.
Materials: Clear petri dish, one projector with bulb pre-inserted and rolling cart, piece of aluminum foil.
Procedure: To start the project the first thing to do is locate and transfer about ten terrestrial isopods (rolypolies) on each side of a petri dish with five rolypolies on each side. On the control side of the opened up petri dish, it will be unlighted due to a piece of aluminum foil wrapped around that area. On the other side of the opened up petri dish, it will lighted with varying distance intensity due to the movement of the projector to 1 meter, 2 meter, and 3 meter lengths. Each trial will last a total of 90 seconds long and will be duplicated three times at 3-30, 60, 90 second intervals for each varying distance intensity of light distance. After the trials, the data collected from the movements of the rolypolies which will indicate the effect of varying distance intensities of light on the test subjects or terrestrial isopods.
Data: On the x-axis, the time will be set in 10 second intervals for a total of nine intervals. The number of rolypolies on each side of the petri dish at any given time will be on the y-axis. There will be two separate colored (i.e. green and blue) lines for each varying distance intensity