Vol. 1, No. 4, April 2011.
Effects of Exposure to Electronic Media Political Content on Voters’ Voting Behavior
Noman Yaser∗
Muhammad Nawaz Mahsud∗∗
Ishtiaq Ahmad Chaudhry∗∗∗
Abstract: This study is an effort to estimate the Pakistani public’s consumption pattern of electronic media –
Television & radio—political content during elections 2008 and its effects on the voters’ voting behavior. Using face to face interview technique data has been collected from 400 respondents (200 male and 200 female registered voters) from both urban and sub-urban of Lahore city (100 males and 100 females each from each area). The findings reveal that voters not only spent more time on consuming television political contents but also the overall and respondents of low age in years, the males, urban residents and those with high education are significantly very often exposed to television discussion programs on politics for getting guidance and polishing their voting behavior as compared to radio political content during elections 2008. The viewers response in terms of intra television political content reveals that the overall as well males, the people of urban location, and those having high education very often while females and respondents with low education somewhat significantly use television for acquiring political information as compared to their cross categories respectively. Background
History of elections in Pakistan is very troubling and disappointing. The sixty years history of Pakistan has witnessed six general elections. The results of one election resulted in the disintegration of Pakistan. Three of the elected assemblies failed to complete their stipulated tenure as the governments were toppled on different charges by the hidden forces whom democracy did not suit (Abbas, 2008). The government formulated as a result of 2002 elections although completed its tenure, it however could not meet the
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