Effective Practices for Evaluating Instructional Materials and Strategies
Sharita Baker
Andrea Daniels
Gina McNally
Instructional Leadership: Theory and Practice
EDU 615
Submitted To:
Henry Raines
Graduate Studies in Education
School of Education and Social Services
Saint Leo University
Saint Leo University
November 12, 2011
Instructional Leadership: Theory and Practice EDU 615
Gina McNally, Andrea Daniels, and Sharita Baker
Effective Practices for Evaluating Instructional Materials and Strategies Effective Practices for Evaluating Instructional Materials and Strategies is an ongoing process dedicated to the individual’s learning needs and high achievement goals of students. Schools need to establish mandated principles for all relationships to be built around the successes of its students. Character centered teaching is a fundamental U.S. lead initiative that guides our instructional practices, leads to better results, and attainable outcomes. This principle includes the following character traits and covers the core value of Respect: • Respect • Responsibility • Contemplation • Compassion • Initiative • Adaptability • Perseverance • Honesty • Optimism • Trustworthiness • Courage • Loyalty
A positive belief about the success of all students correlated to teacher dedication is a common trait of Successful schools (Florida Center for Reading Research).
Questions to be addressed in the paper 1. What Practices are identified for evaluating the appropriateness of Instructional Strategies? 2. What Practices are identified for evaluating the appropriateness of instructional Materials? 3. What instructional improvement strategies based on research-based best practices will be developed? 4. What strategies are included on the SIPT? 5. What
References: Florida School Leaders. (2006). Florida Continuous Improvement Model. Retrieved: https://www.floridaschoolleaders.org/focus.aspx International Reading Association Marzano, J. R., McNulty, A. B., & Waters, T. (2005). School Leadership that Works. Alexandria, VA: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Connecticut State Board of Education, (2011). Retrieved: http://ctserc.org/s/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=8&Itemid=28 Marzano, J.R., (2003) What Works in Schools-Translating Research into Actions, ASCD Date Completed: November 13, 2011 | |Ratings |