Throughout "A Modest Proposal" swift points out numerous problems and solutions. The rest of the title of this work reads "For Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to their Parents or Country, and for Making them Beneficial to the Public." This extension of the title holds the main point of this piece. Swift's proposal is to find an easy method to turn the children of the country into "sound and useful members of the Commonwealth." All over Ireland, poor children live in squalor because their parents cannot support them at all. The speaker proposes to turn the problem into the solution, by plumping up the undernourished children so they may be sold to Ireland's rich landowners. When the child reaches one year of age, he will be sold at the market and simultaneously deplete overpopulation and save family's money from the expense of children. Not only that, but selling the children would supply the families with more money and would
Throughout "A Modest Proposal" swift points out numerous problems and solutions. The rest of the title of this work reads "For Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to their Parents or Country, and for Making them Beneficial to the Public." This extension of the title holds the main point of this piece. Swift's proposal is to find an easy method to turn the children of the country into "sound and useful members of the Commonwealth." All over Ireland, poor children live in squalor because their parents cannot support them at all. The speaker proposes to turn the problem into the solution, by plumping up the undernourished children so they may be sold to Ireland's rich landowners. When the child reaches one year of age, he will be sold at the market and simultaneously deplete overpopulation and save family's money from the expense of children. Not only that, but selling the children would supply the families with more money and would