Wanda W. Jones
Webster University
Table of Contents Objective 3 Aging in Prison Literature Review 4 Participants 13 Measurement 14 Survey and Data Collection Tool 15 Data Collection Method 18 Analysis 19 Schedule 20 Budget 21 Institutional Review Board 23 Peer Review 24
This research proposal will be on the aging prison population. The topic to be explored will be the impact of the elderly in prison on society. It will attempt to understand why aging in prison has become such a hot topic for discussion. Some of the topics being discussed include housing, healthcare, hospice and re-entry into society. The study will review why there are so many aging prisoners and the impact it is having on the aged prisoners, the correctional system and society at large. A review of male and female elderly prisoners will be discussed. A more thorough analysis will be on the reasons for the boom in the aging prison population which may include sentencing laws; parole; repeat offenders; nature of crime (property, person, violent or non-violent); increased life expectancy and mental illness among others that may be discovered. In addition a review would be done on how prisoners feel about aging in prison, does it bring a sense of remorse, missed opportunities on life, and even the thoughts of dying in prison. The challenges of compassionate release among aged prisoners that are really too ill to cause any additional threat to society, effects physicians, prison personnel, the public and the elderly offenders themselves in trying to balance the needs of the inmates and the cost of incarceration.
Aging in Prison
The fastest growing population in prisons today is older inmates, classified as 50 years of age or older (Allen, Phillips, Roff, Cavanaugh, & Day, 2008). An inmate is typically considered elderly at 50 years old, primarly because they are generally “10-11.5 years older physiologically
References: Allen, R. S., Phillips, L. L., Roff, L. L., Cavanaugh, R., & Day, L. (2008). Religiousness/Spirituality and Mental Health Among Older Male Inmates. Gerontologist, 48(5), 692-697. Collins, D. R., & Bird, R. (2007). The Penitentiary visit - a new role for geriatricians? Age and Ageing, 36(1), 11-13. doi:10.1093/ageing/afl144 Dayron, D., Aday, R Johnson, R., & Brooks, A. (2011). Cold Comfort: Women Aging in Prison. The Gerontologist, 51(6), 884-887. doi:10.1093/geront/gnr114 Thivierge-Rikard, R Williams, B. A., Sudore, R. L., Greifinger, R., & Morrison, R. S. (2011). Balancing Punishment and Compassion for Seriously Ill Prisoners. Annal of Internal Medicine, 155(2), 122-W44.