3. All economic activities either affect or are affected by natural and environmental resources.
Activities such as extraction, processing, manufacture, transpor t, consumption and disposal change the stock of natural resources, add stress to the environmental systems and introduce wastes to environmental media.
Moreover, economic activities today affect the stock of natural resources available for the future and have inter-temporal welfare effects. From this perspective, the productivity of an economic system depends in part on the supply and quality of natural and environmental resources.
4. Natural and environmental resources have three economic roles : waste disposal services, related to the environment’s assimilative capacity; natural resource inputs into production; and directly consumed life support services and aesthetic amenities. The natural and environmental resource input function is central to understanding the relationship between economic growth and environment. Water, soil, air, biological, forest and fisheries resources are productive assets, whose quality helps determine the productivity of the economy. Focusing on this role of environment as a producer good highlights the direct effect environmental problems have on economic growth. Thus, economic management impacts on the environment and the environmental quality impacts on the efficient working of the economy.
Environmental degradation imposes costs on the economy which results in output and human capital losses.
5. Lost labour productivity resulting from ill health, foregone crop output due to soil degradation and erosion, lost fisheries output and tourism receipts from coastal erosion or lost soil productivity from deforestation can be some of the manifestations of such reduced output.
Moreover, a growing body of epidemiological studies suggest that air and water pollution are taking a heavy toll, particularly of people