Chapter two
2.1 Introduction
This chapter will focus on the review of the existing literature to the specific idea of effects of guidance and counseling on academic performance in secondary school level. The information gathered from the literature will be used to define a benchmark against which the SGC services may be measured.
2.2 Review of Related Studies
Few topics have been identified as per the problem, effects of guidance and counseling on academic performance in secondary schools.
2.2.1 Importance of Guidance and Counseling in Secondary Schools.
Kottman (1995) came up with the following as to why guidance and counseling is important. An individual experiences positive feelings from his/her teachers, parents and adults. They derive personal meaning from their learning activities and are able to develop and enhance academic skills to the maximum of their ability. Guidance and counseling programs help the learner to be able to learn necessary coping skills so that they can be able to deal with the normal developmental concerns and problems that they will encounter. Learners should be able to realize that they are responsible for their own behaviors and so they have to work with parents in variety of planned programes to assist them to develop attitudes and skills to enhance the academic and social development.
According to Krumboltz(2002), the objective of the program is to bring about the maximum development and self realization of human potential for the benefit of individual and society.
Kileen et al (1992), states that career guidance foster efficiency and social equity. It is important in supporting individual decisions, reduces drop outs and mismatch contribution in performance especially in academics. By having guidance and