Illegal immigration is an issue that has been highly debated in the United States for decades, and the effects of these immigrants will be for many to come, especially with the country in a recession and many people in economic trouble. December 1, 2008 the National Bureau of Economic Research officially declared the U.S. in a recession. Before 2007, U.S. economy has grown in 23 of the last 25 years. During this period, the U.S. attracted record numbers of new immigrants. The U.S. foreign-born population had quadrupled from 9.6 million in 1970 to 38.1 million in 2007. In the past decade, more than one million immigrants have entered this country legally each year and about another 500,000 entered illegally. Immigrants from Latin America (including Mexico) account for 54% of all immigrants, compared to 18% in 1970. Asians account for 27% compared to 9% in 1970. Europe and Canada decreased from 68% in 1970 to 15% today. (Terrazas 2009) According to a 2007 Gallop poll 46% of Americans, believe that immigrants are making the economic situation worse. On the other hand, yearly we gain between one billion and 10 billion of the gross domestic product because of immigration. Likewise, the increase in immigration presents many problems today many believe that immigrants are imperative for the U.S. economy to grow, and without them, the losses would be significantly greater than the gains. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas(2003) identified three ways immigrants contribute to job growth in the U.S. by stating that “they fill an increasing share of jobs overall, they take jobs in labor-scarce regions, and fill the types of jobs native workers shun”(Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas,pg.3). Many economists feel that without immigrants in our workforce production levels would decrease, demand and prices would increase, this could force us to
References: Terrazas, Arron. (January 2009). Illegals and Current Economic Crisis. www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/lmi_recessionJan09. Isadore, C. (2006, May1).Illegal Workers: good for the U.S. economy. (www.money.cnn.com/2006/05/01/news/economy/immigration_economy(index). Simmons, G. (2006, March 30). Immigration’s Effect on Economy is Murky. (www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,18972,00.) Survey by Gallup; June4-June24, 2007 U.S. Immigration and Economic Growth: Putting Policy on Hold (2003, December). (www.Dallasfed.org/research/Swe/2003/Swc0306a.) www.immigration.procon.org/view.answers.php?question ID=00788. “Backgrounder: Immigrants in the United States, 2007”, Center for Immigrant Studies, November 2007. Wolf, Richard (2008, January 22). “Rising health care costs put focus on illegal immigrants”. USA Today.