Edwards, James R, Jr. “The Medicaid Costs of Legalizing Illegal Aliens.” Center for Immigration Studies. The Center for Immigration Studies, Jul. 2010. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. The article “The Medicaid Costs of Legalizing Illegal Aliens” provides the information on cost of legalizing the illegal immigrants. Illegal Aliens are currently are not qualified for Medicare and also there are around “3.4 million” people who will not be qualified even if they are legalized as they earn less. But according to article providing health care to these legalized immigrants is “substantial”.
“Illegal Aliens Taking U.S. Jobs(2011).” FAIR. Federation for American Immigration Reform, n.d. Web. 4 Mar. …show more content…
2013. The article “Illegal Aliens taking U.S.
Jobs(2011)” provides the information that people from border countries are coming to U.S and are taking jobs for less than minimum wages from American employers. The illegal immigrants are not paying any taxes to the government thus government losing its economy. It has counter argument from same groups that aliens are taking jobs that are not taken or unfilled by Americans. But the article has points to support its view that aliens are working in all the fields where Americans are working. It also provides statistics of where and how many illegal jobs are there in country.
Kane, Tim and Krik A. Johnson. “The Real Problem with Immigration.. and the Real Solution.” The Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation, 1 Mar. 2006. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. The authors Tim Kane and Krik A. Johnson say that the actual problem with illegal immigrants is they not only cause economic problems but also cause security problems and also increasing the “culture of illegality.” So the article suggests documenting the foreigners immediately. The article also gives benefits and gives some statistics on how they contribute to country’s GDP. It also has point that insourcing labor is better than outsourcing jobs to other countries and provides some statistics to prove that.
“Legalizing unauthorized immigrants would help economy, study says- CNN.com.” CNN.com. Turner Broadcasting System, 7 Jan. 2010. Web. 4 Mar. …show more content…
2013. The article “Legalizing unauthorized immigrants would help economy, study says-CNN.com.” Provides how legalizing the illegal immigrants would help boost the U.S.
Economy. It gives the statistics of how this affects the GDP. The article also gives various options of dealing with the illegal immigrants and analyses the results. It says that illegal immigrants who would become authorized workers then will spend more on education so will get better jobs. “Pros and Cons of Dream Act.” US IMMIGRATION. US Immigration.com, n.d. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. The article “Pros and Cons of Dream Act.” details the DREAM act introduced by the President Obama. Youngsters who came to U.S at the age of fifteen or less than that will be given citizenship as they studied in the U.S universities and living in the country for so much time. Government says that sending them back to their countries will make country bad. The article has counter argument that this will encourage the new comers. But the opponents of DREAM Act has come up with the idea of encouraging foreign students with PhD’s to stay in the university and help build U.S. Economy with their ideas. “Why do we have immigration Laws?” National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers
Web Page. National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, n.d. Web. 4
The article “Why do we have immigration Laws?” will brief the reasons for having immigration laws. Immigration laws are to stop the criminals entering the country and to keep the Economic condition of the country in a good position. The article also affirms that their immigration laws are equally biased to all countries and they will change as the time to fit in to any situation of country.