The media exerts an enormous, almost a normative influence, over the lives of men, women, adolescents and children. It influences, particularly among teenagers, the ways in which individuals and groups dress, talk, behave, and think. The media, in the forms of movies, television, radio, and print as well as the new electronic communications media of the Internet, helps to connect individuals to one another and to the world. Invariably, this powerful influence shapes the ways in which viewers or participants perceive the world and their own place within that world. Given that teenagers are often highly impressionable and subject to such influences, this survey will consider the effects of media on this particular age group. Specifically, the survey will consider the ways of media influence on teens and at the end, solutions for the problems related to them. Key words: The mass media, teenagers, influence, televsion, internet, facebook, shaping opinions... REZIME Mediji vrse ogroman, skoro normativni uticaj na zivote ljudi, zena, omladine i dece. To utice, posebno medju tinejdzerima, na nacine na koje se pojedinci i grupe oblace, razgovaraju, ponasaju i misle. Mediji u formi filmova, televizije, radija i stampe, kao i novi elektronski medij komunikacije na internetu, pomazu povezivanju pojedinca sa drugim u svetu. Bez izuzetaka, ovaj mocni uticaj oblikuje nacine na koje gledaoci ili ucesnici dozivljavaju svet i svoje mesto u okviru tog sveta. S obzirom da je tinejdzere veoma lako imresionirati i da lako podlezu uticajima, ovo istrazivanje ce razmotriti efekte medija na ovom uzrastu. Konkretno istrazivanje ce razmotriti nacine uticaja medija na tinejdzere i na kraju resenja problema vezanih za njih. Kljucne reci: mediji, tinejdzeri, uticaj, televizija, internet, facebook, oblikovanje misljenja...…