Stacie L. Thomason
Tusculum College
The effects that smoking has on reproduction can be extensive. It not only affects women and children, but men as well. Smoking before getting pregnant can cause infertility in both men and women. Other issues than can occur are infertility in men and women, low birth weight in babies, still birth, miscarriage, and effects on children as they grow. After a child is born, issues such as asthma, clef lip/palate, ADHD, and ODD can occur. These issues are lifelong challenges for both children and parents. I have learned thru research and personal experience that this can affect not just the parents’ lives but also the children’s. Everyone needs to know these effects because it’s not just from smoking but second hand smoke can cause these problems as well. The research in done to complete this essay has opened my eyes to the consequences and has encouraged me to quit smoking as well.
When I found out that I was pregnant with my son, I vowed to quit smoking. I went a week without smoking while on vacation with my family. When I returned home I received devastating news from my then husband that he was deploying to Iraq sooner than expected. I started smoking again after that. I had a pretty normal pregnancy; no major problems. He did not have asthma, a cleft lip or palate, no abnormal birth, and he did not die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). I thought my son and I were ok, we were normal, but we weren’t.
At four years old my son started showing behavior problems. I thought it was due to his father and me getting a divorce. His doctor advised that he was too young to be tested for behavior problems, and yet in the middle of his kindergarten year he had been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
We struggled for two more years with behavior problems, fighting with each other for control and hurting each other emotionally. He had
References: (n.d.). Retrieved 01 08, 2013, from Austrailian Government: (2000, 04 5). Retrieved 01 08, 2013, from Medscape Nurses News: Jeffery, C. (n.d.). Retrieved 01 08, 2013, from