Effects to baby
1) Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Women who smoke during pregnancy expose their babies to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome as these babies are more likely to die from the harmful effects of smoking.
2) Stillbirth: Women who smoke during pregnancy increase the chances of the death of their babies during pregnancy itself.
3) Low birth weight of the baby: Birth weight of the baby is an important factor for the future health of the baby. Low birth weight can lead to a great many complications. In fact, low birth weight is the main reason for pre-natal death (during the first month after the birth).
4) Colic: A baby born of a mother who used to smoke during pregnancy is more likely to have colic. Colic is often a condition of early infancy. Colic results abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distention of any of the hollow viscera, such as intestine.
5) Respiratory infections: your baby is more likely to have asthma and other respiratory diseases if you expose your bay to smoking.
6) Placenta Abruption: this condition arises when the placenta pulls the walls of the uterus either before or during labour. This requires an immediate delivery usually through cesarean operation. A smoker's placenta is thinner making her more likely to have placenta abruption.
7) Premature birth: Smoking during pregnancy can lead to pre mature birth due to premature rupture of membranes. A pregnant smoker's body is more likely to end her pregnancy sooner in an