Not only did Finney want to help women and slaves, but he also wanted reforms for alcoholism, prostitution and war. The French Revolution stirred peoples’ curiosity and the interest in Deism increased. Many different people (groups of people) began to take interest in criticizing conventional religion. Deists weren’t believers in every word stated in the bible. They were very skeptical and often times questioned the divinity of Jesus. They defended free speech but opposed religious coercion.
The reform movements were very important aspects when it came to the Second Great Awakening. There were three reform movement phases: the moral American bible society, social prison reform and the radical major cultural change. The American bible society was a group of various denominations who came tighter to help other sustain their faith after revivals had ended. They helped people by handing out free bibles to new converts in hopes that they would continue their walk in their new-found faith. Then we move to the social prison reforms which in itself had three