Christine Herrmann
Composition ll
Individual Work Week 9
Everest University Online
Effects of Tobacco Use (Smoking) On the Human Body
Tobacco use of any kind is hurtful to the human body and their health because there are a lot of serious health risks in using tobacco products. There is even a surgeon general warning on packs of cigarettes. “A Report of the Surgeon General on the topic of smoking has been issued nearly every year since 1964. The initial 1964 Surgeon General 's report (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 1964) was the first major report to alert government, health officials, and the public about the consequences of smoking (Smoking,2001).” Tobacco can be used many different ways. Ways tobacco can be used are as follows: smoking, chewed, sniffed, or dipped. (CDC,2012). By using tobacco any of these ways no matter what way it is it is still very harmful to the health of the human body. “The adverse health effects from cigarette smoking account for an estimated 443,000 deaths, or nearly one of every five deaths, each year in the United States (CDC,2012).” When tobacco is smoked, it can be in cigarettes, pipes, or cigars. When tobacco is chewed it is compressed moist tobacco ‘plug’ or ‘twist’. When tobacco is snuffed, it is ground into fine powder and sniffed into the nose. When tobacco is dipped, it is moist and ground and ground and placed into the space between the gums and cheek. (CDC,2012) There are a lot of ways to use tobacco but the worst and most dangerous form is smoking. (CDC,2012) Cigarette smoke attacks the lungs’ natural defenses and can completely paralyze the natural cleansing process. By smoking cigarettes a person make themselves more susceptible to getting sick because they smoke they have excess mucus. When tobacco smoke enters the human body it releases 7,000 chemicals into the body. (Anonymous,2010) A lot of people don’t think that second hand smoke does
References: Anonymous. (2010). Tobacco smoke is a clear and present danger causing immediate harm at any level of exposure. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Dateline Center for Disease Control (CDC). (2012). Health effects of cigarette smoking. Retrieved from Smoking. (2001). In Reader 's Guide to the Social Sciences. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Dateline Tobacco use. (2007). In Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine. Retrieved from University of Montana. (2010). Health effects of smoking. Retrieved from Topics/Tobacco/Health Effects.php