Mrs. Margarette Knutsen
ENC 1101
September 11, 2013
STOP SMOKING Thousands of people worldwide indicate that smoking is addictive and harmful to health, scientific studies, research and other institutional bodies such as the World Health Organization, would support this thesis. Tobacco is responsible for nearly 1 in 3 deaths from cancer, thousands of people die of lung cancer and about 87% of these lung cancer deaths will be due to smoking. This habit not only increases the risk of lung cancer, but also is a factor in various cancers as of: mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney and stomach. It also generates other risks such as heart disease, stroke and respiratory problems. According to the American Lung Association: “About 8.6 million people in the U.S. have at least one serious illness caused by smoking”. This means that for every person who dies of a smoking-related disease, there are 20 more people who suffer from at least one serious illness associated with smoking. Likewise, it is well known that the consumption of tobacco also cause bad breath, skin unsightly, smelly clothes and hair among other things that harm our health significantly. We all have the right to do as we please but smoking poisons not only the one who has this bad habit, it also does it to all those who surround him. As Paul Slovic says in his book: Smoking: Risk, Perception & Policy (2001) "In Addition to the risk to the smoker, smoking endangers the health of those who are exposed to secondhand smoke." Being exposed to secondhand smoke it is sometimes harmful that even smoking a cigarette, snuff smoke contains 4000 chemicals and 60 of these are carcinogenic it also produce various types of cancer. The polluted air snuff smoke also causes heart disease and many serious respiratory diseases in children and adults that can cause death.
An economic impact on the pockets of those who smoke is another reason that makes it so harmful; the cost of smoking is an important part of the monthly budget in these people. The cost of lighting a cigarette can go beyond the risk of getting cancer. If parameter is taken as the price of a pack of Marlboro cigarettes Box of 20 ($ 6.50), a person who smokes a pack a day spends about $ 45.50 per week and about $ 2,180 a year. If they instead of smoking decide to invest that amount each year, they will probably build an interesting amount of money for a retirement plan. But that 's not all. The annual bill for smokers also grows in other areas such as life insurance and home, medications, cleaning costs, etc. Many insurers charge an extra premium on their life insurance for people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day. The values of these extra premiums vary according to age, sex and in some cases the type of snuff which they use (cigarette, pipe, cigar), but may be increased 30% if you are young and up to 70% for an adult. In the U.S., the difference can be tripled. Some home insurance discriminate between smokers and nonsmokers, increasing the risk of fire, others do not cover fire accidents caused by smoking. An article posted in the New York Times edition of August 2013, says that “A smoker costs a private employer in the United States an extra $5,816 per year compared with a nonsmoker”
The environment is the most suffering passive smoking. Snuff production causes pollution of natural resources, loss of biodiversity, forest fires, deforestation, increasing climate change and urban poor air quality. No other consumer product causes as much damage from cultivation, production, use and disposal as snuff. Butts filters are made of cellulose acetate, a non-biodegradable pollutant which can take effect on the environment more than 25 years to decompose. In addition to the filter, the butt can keep toxic substances that make up the cigarette. Nicotine and tar of a single cigarette can contaminate up to 50 liters of water. According to a report from the Florida State University (FSU), tobacco companies will add chemicals to cigarettes for smokers to not have to turn them on steadily. In the U.S, the leading cause of home fires is a lit cigarette unattended. FSU 's report also indicates that almost half of the litter on the streets is made up of cigarette butts. These residues can reach rivers, lakes and oceans and being ingested by birds, fish and other animals that may die not being able to digest. In Texas each year more than 1 billion pieces of litter will accumulate on Texas highways. Of those, 13 percent are cigarette butts. That means 130 million butts will be tossed out in Texas alone this year (Texas Department of Transportation).
Smoking is a serious social problem as the damage that occurs not only in people who consume it but also with whom they live. It is amazing how a small cigar, can virtually dominate the lives of millions of people in the world. Only those who have tried to quit smoking know how difficult it is and how much it costs. By force of will and perseverance of the patient, are now added new drugs that make their contribution in the fight against cigarette addiction. Although it is legal and socially acceptable use, nicotine is a drug that affects us and creates dependency or addiction that makes organic conditions diminish the quality of life. It is our choice to be healthy, prevent disease, save money, and concern about the environment and most important thing our lives. Think of banishing an addiction so ingrained in our society is at the moment impossible; stay motionless is selfish and almost criminal. Smokers and nonsmokers should unite in a common goal: that our children will never become victims of an addiction as damaging.
Works Cited
1.-The New York Times (August 2013) Article taken from:
2. - American Lung Association 3. – Slovic, Paul. (2001). Smoking: Risk, Perception & Policy (Google Books – Digital Edition) 4. - Texas Department of Transportation Information
Cited: 1.-The New York Times (August 2013) Article taken from: 2. - American Lung Association 3. – Slovic, Paul. (2001). Smoking: Risk, Perception & Policy (Google Books – Digital Edition) 4. - Texas Department of Transportation Information
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