Some conclusions, even seemingly “scientific” conclusions, are based on anecdotes and personal endorsements. They are not founded on sound research. For example, the fifth principal’s example on how married people who cohabited before marriage are more in likely to get a divorce, where as those who don’t cohabit don’t get divorced. Although this statement is true for some people, it isn’t true for all people. Although it was researched and scientifically proven for some people, it isn’t true for all people. Another example would be a partner telling his or her partner that she won’t get pregnant if they don’t use a condom, even if he does “pull out”. Although the statement may seem like it would be true, there are still many things to worry about, even getting pregnant. The man still has pre-cum and if the woman is ovulating at that time, then there is a possibility that she could get pregnant. Another worry is STD’s. It is stated that condoms prevent STD’s, but not all. There is the HPV (human papillomavirus). This virus is extremely contagious, even if a condom is worn, because not only is it on the genital area, but the surrounding area as well, and with that contact, the virus can be spread.…