Social Issues
Individuals should have the option to use physician assisted suicide to end a terminal illness.
Because of the harmful nature of their products, the tobacco industry should subsidize public health care.
Tobacco companies should be prevented from using advertising tactics that target teenagers.
Smoking in public places endangers the lives of non-smokers and should be prohibited.
Random drug testing of student athletes reduces drug use among teenagers.
Amateur sports organizations (schools, Olympics) should prohibit all performance enhancing drugs. …show more content…
Juvenile criminals should be tried as adults.
The use of mandatory minimum sentences for specific crimes does not effectively deter crime.
Prisons in the United States exist primarily to educate and rehabilitate criminals.
Capital Punishment is an effective deterrent for capital crimes.
Parents in the US should be held financially and legally responsible for the crimes of their minor children.
Affirmative action is a reasonable method of ensuring fair treatment of minorities in schools and work.
Racial profiling unfairly discriminates against people of color in America, and should be stopped.
Exposure to violence in the media (TV, movies, videogames) desensitizes children to real life violence.
Incidents of police brutality and corruption will decrease if citizen complaints are investigated by external agencies.
Corporations should be required to clean up any industrial waste or pollution they make.
Individuals should give up their reasonable expectations of privacy so the government can ferret out potential …show more content…
Unless the issues of AIDS in Africa are addressed, the number of orphans will increase.
Women 's privacy rights should include the right to abortion.
Teenage girls who have babies are less likely to complete high school and more likely to live in poverty.
The use of condoms is a reasonable method to prevent pregnancy as well as sexually transmitted diseases.
Teen age boys should have an equal responsibility for teenage pregnancies.
Pregnant women who use illicit drugs should be held criminally responsible.
Emergency contraception is a valid method of preventing unintended pregnancy.
The U.S. should immediately cease testing consumer products on animals.
With humane treatment, it is not unethical to use animals for experiments which could lead to treatments or cures for human diseases.
Raising chickens and other animals in factory farms is cruel and should be abolished. Science Issues
Human Biology
The effects of hormone disrupting chemicals (endocrine disrupters) in humans are