The Europeans wrongly told the children of the Stolen Generation that their parents had either died or abandoned them after once they were under the care of the Europeans, moreover, manipulating them into thinking what they were doing was right. Seized children never knew who their real parents or even told that they were taken. After being taken children were placed in European families or institutions, where they were ordinarily neglected or abused psychologically, physically and sexually. Europeans treated the children harshly, therefore, they were …show more content…
Inheritance of both the European and Indigenous blood was thought to be easier to work with when instilling the European culture, resulting in children of both bloods being taken more often than children of just Indigenous blood. They were barely ever given higher education because they were expected to work as manual labourers or domestic servants, therefore, letting their natural talents and intelligence become wasted. The Indigenous never learned parenting skills as children; they were treated horribly where they were living throughout their lives. The fact that they didn't live in a healthy family environment resulted in generations of children being brought up in state care. Blind as they might have been to how what they were doing really impacted the Indigenous the Europeans nevertheless of have good intentions in the sense of them trying to teach others what they thought would help