Fish Niche -
Fishes ecological niches that work in with their respiratory systems and gas exchange posess live in water eg. sea, rivers, streams and ponds. Fish such as cod live near the sea floor with competitors such as red cod, spotty and kahawai challenge them. There are predators such as dolphins, sharks and also people. Their gas exchange system has to be efficient for them to be able to compete with those fish and escape from predators.
Fish live in an acquatic environment. Water contains a less % 02 than the air so fish mush have a very efficient gas exchange system. This has prompted the development of the gill system. Air has 20% 02, water has much less. The gills are supported by the gill arch. On the gills are many filaments call filaments certain millions of lamellae to provide a maximum surface area for diffusion of O2.
The dense nature of water also helps to provide a bigger surface area as it causes each filament to separate allowing water to flow past the lamellae and therefore more O2 diffuses through into the close blood circulatory system so that the cell respiration can take place efficiently. Fish circulate water past their gills through opening and closing both their oral valves and operculum. to take water in, fish open their oral valves and keep their operculum closed. they also relax their buccal cavity to help raw more water in. the fsh then closes the oral valve and opens the operculum which pushes water out past the gill filaments so that diffusion of O2 can take place. the buccal cavity is raised to help in the passing out of water. because the oxygen levels are so low in the water counter current effect to extract up to 80% of the O2 in the water. meaning they are very efficient at O2 extraction.
During the counter current effect water and blood flow in opposite directions as the blood flows past the waater O2 diffuses through due to the low concentration of O2 in the blood component to the water and due to the