A. Introduction Education is basically an interaction between educators with learners, to achieve the goals of education that took place in a particular environment. This interaction is called the mutual influence of educational interaction between educators with learners.
This suggests that human life will always need someone else who is characterized by mutual positive influence because it is based on a law that every human life has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore we need a process of education is through the learning process.
Teaching learning is a complex process because it does not just absorb information from the teacher, but involves a variety of activities and actions to be taken, especially if you want a better learning results. The way of teaching learning that suppress a variety of activities and actions is specific approach, because the approach in teaching learning essentially is an effort to develop activeness learning conducted by learners and teachers.
Teaching learning is also a valuable normative interaction is done with conscious and which aims to guide the direction which would carry the learning process. The learning process will be successful if the results could lead to changes in knowledge, understanding, skills, attitude and the values of learners.
The success of learning process in the national education goals, namely, the intellectual life of the nation and develop a complete Indonesian man, the man who is faithful and devoted to God Almighty and noble character, has the knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health, have a steady personality and self-and a sense of civic responsibility and nationality.
Simple in the sense that education is often defined as a human effort to build his personality in accordance with the values in society and culture. During its development, the term educational assistance means
Bibliography: Ahmad Tafsir, Ilmu Pendidikan Dalam Perspektif Islam, Bandung, Remaja Rosdakarya, 1991 Baharuddin, Theory of Teaching and Learning, ArRuzz-Media, New York, 2008 M. Sobry Sutikno, Secrets of Successful Learning and Educating Children, Mataram, NTT Press, 2007 Ramayulis, Islamic Education, Jakarta, Word of Honor, 2008 Zakiyah Darajat, Kepribadian Guru, Jakarta, Bulan Bintang,1980