Sanjay Menaria
CWID : 802814426
EGCP 556 – Adv. NanoElectronics
Quantam Dots:
A quantam dots are nanoparticle which possess change in the properties if an electron is removed or added. It is composed semiconductor material like CdS, ZnSe, InP etc. Its reduced size generate an electronic excitation to high energy, concentrating oscillator strength within few transition which gives unique quantam confined electronic and photonic properties. Quantam Dots shows strong resistance to chemical degradation, photo bleaching, photo stability and high quantam yields. In biochemistry, quantam dots are called redox group. In nanotechnology, it is known as quantam bits.
Application of Quantam Dots:
Quantam dot bio conjugates for imaging, …show more content…
The design includes encapsulating luminescent quantam dots with an ABC triblock copolymer and linking this phiphilic polymer to tumor targeting ligands. Sensitive and multicolor fluorescence imaging of cancer cells has been achieved under in vivo conditions.
Renal clearance of quantam dots: - Nanotechnology hold great promise of diagnosis and treatment of human disease. Using quantam dots in rodents as model, requirement can be defined for urinary excretion and renal filtration of inorganic.
Quantam dots for infrared photodetectors:- QDIPs are becoming the most important technology in terms of IR detections, especially for high temperature, low cost and high yield detector arrays which very useful in military applications. Bandgap engineering in QD heterostructures is used as tool to control device performance.
Quantam dot cellular automation based ciper text design for Nano communication:- Quantam dot cellular automation is a latest nanotechnology that serves alternative solution to CMOS. QCA is a transistor less technology and information is passed based on charge on electron and mutual electrostatic