Scientific name: Solanum melongena L.
Family: Solanaceae Seed | Sown seeds | Ants | Seedling Stage | Stem | Cutworm | Leaves | Aphids
Colorado potato beetle
Eggplant flea beetle
Spider mites
Stink bug
Whitefly | Vegetative Stage | Stems | Eggplant fruit and shoot borer | Leaves | Aphids
Colorado potato beetle
Eggplant flea beetle
Spider mites
Stink bug
Whitefly | Reproductive Stage | Fruits | Eggplant fruit and shoot borer | Maturation stageRecommended Varieties * 'Black Beauty' * 'Easter Egg' * 'Little Fingers' | Fruits | Eggplant fruit and shoot borer |
I. PLANTATION II. Growing organic plants remains to be one of the toughest jobs put forth before the modern day cultivators. Basics of agriculture remain the same even after many years. III. People would always want best out of any cultivable land. The aim is well justified only when sufficient facilities are available for the farmers. Adequate knowledge on agricultural practices can produce the discovery of newer methods of cultivation. IV. People can also afford to gather ideas out of historical happenings to outcast the demand that is already present. One can be sure about seasoning of eggplant cultivation while following the morphological feature of solanaceae family species. Also it is advisable to adopt suitable ways to implement these ideas into practice. Eggplants can be fruitful if the cultivation is done under hygienic conditions. These eggplants can be cultivated at favorable conditions to gain profitable growth of plant. V. Features of Eggplant VI. Eggplant is unique type of plant that can be grown in regions with warm climate. These warm ambient conditions make suitable ripening of fruits. It is grouped under tropical plants that can grown in height for more than 70 cm and it can have overall lateral growth of more than 55 cm. this kind of plant is typically suited for soil with good moisture