Book type: Fiction
Although the kids in The Egypt Game have created their own little world, they still are deeply connected to their families and the whole neighborhood. Melanie and Marshall are siblings, first of all. And April is torn between two different ideas of what family should look like: being with her mother in Los Angeles, or here with her grandmother Caroline.
In the end though, the kids come together to form their own tight-knit group and learn to rely on each others' families as if they were their own. April decides to stay with her grandmother Caroline, who has shown more motherly love than her actual mother ever has. So Egypt as a whole—become one great, big, history-loving family.At the beginning of the book, April tries hard to keep an emotional distance between her and Caroline, because she believes that loving her grandmother will mean letting go of her mother. But in the end, …show more content…
This is because she's so nice, not because he actually adds anything by taking part in the Egypt Game.
Here is some quotes from the book Language and Communication Quotes
She'd started out just trying to get the old man to talk and then somehow, she couldn't quit. It was almost as if the old man's deadly silence was a dangerous dark hole that had to be filled up quick
Friendship Quotes
It would be neat if she turned out to be a real friend. There hadn't been any girls the right age in the Casa Rosada lately. To have a handy friend again, for spur-of-the-moment visiting