Professor Meir Lubetski
English CMP 2800
Jun 21st 2015
Essay question A. Sinuhe tells about the life of an immigrant in a foreign country. Discuss a few of the hardships of Sinuhe as an immigrant. Does it resemble the experiences of a modern immigrant? American Dream In Old And Modern Times The problems of immigrants have been existing for centuries. Looking back, the oldest story that readers could find about immigrants is the tale of Sinuhe. It speaks strongly to our world today, where is full of exile, cultural conflict and displacement. As we discussed earlier this semester, when fleeing to Syria, Sinuhe, as an educated and successful immigrant, has been through many hardships and because of these difficulties, he finally decides to return to his root, which subtly suggests the destiny of most of the immigrants in modern America. This Ancient
Egyptian story rises a problem for our people who live in the modern America: Is it possible for immigrants to live here to pursue their dream and live happily and successfully? Does American
Dream still exist anymore? To get involved in Retjenu, Sinuhe has been through many obscurities. First, Sinuhe travelled between different countries to find a place to live. “Countries gave me to country”(65), none of those territories would take him into consideration. Finally, the king of upper Retjenu,
Amunenshi decided to let him reside on the border of his territory with another country, where is usually very dangerous and full of conflicts. Then Sinuhe is arranged to marry the daughter of
the king who he doesn’t love to get his legal permanent status to stay in this country. This is the emotional hardship that Sinuhe is going through. Afterwards, when he became the ruler of a tribe of “the choicest of his country”(65), the natives initialized by the hero of Retjenu got jealous and tried to kick him out of Retjenu. He defeats Retjenu but he couldn’t defeat the idea of being
Cited: Ed. Martin Puchner. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2012. 6076. Print.