In the story “Balboa,” Balboa brought evil every where he went. He was a bad person and the worst just followed him around. Balboa treated everyone the worst as possible after he took over. He would even kill lots of people and he became so selfish. He had a dog best friend, which is pretty normal, but he named him Leoncico. “Leoncico means little lion” (Murray 80). Balboa was so full of himself that he might of not even realized what he was doing. Once he might of realized what was happening he did not care one bit. The danger and selfishness he brought ended up getting his head cut off in the end. Like in the story “Balboa,” the main characters in “The Tempest” bring nothing but …show more content…
Although they brought nothing but bad, they did not mean to. The settlers were only trying to honor their God and do the right thing. For example, at the beginning of the story Bradford discussed how someone got sick and had gotten thrown off the ship. As Bradford said in the text, “But it pleased God before they came half seas over.” They believed God did this because he was not a very good mad. Although they had good intentions they brought evil everywhere they went. They would kill people by bringing over guns to the Americas for the first time. The Indians did treat the Pilgrims unfairly but they should not of acted the way they