I. The ancient Egypt had much influence on our present. It was the first civilization that developed all the qualities necessary to be able to have a better life. The Ancient Egypt we left us a solid basis in each of these fields: medicine, art, architecture, science, religion, beliefs, engineering, fashion and writing.
II. Ancient Egypt
1. Duration of the empire
2. Language
3. Government
III. Medicine
1. Heart center of the human being
2. Medicines
3. Interrogation to patient
4. Trends of Egyptian Medicine
5. Embalming
IV. Art and Architecture
1. Religious buildings
2. Paintings
3. Statues
4. Tombs
5. Decorative Arts
V. Sciences
1. Math
2. Astronomy
3. Medicines
VI. Religion and Beliefs
1. Gods
2. Life after death
VII. Engineering
1. Irrigation canals
2. River dams
3. Temples
4. Pyramids
5. Dykes
VIII. Fashion
1. Beauty
2. Cosmetics
IX. Conclusion: In conclusion, the Ancient Egypt will always have much influence at present because he gave us many contributions. All of these contributions have been of great utility as without them we don't have the majority of the things that we have today. Thanks to the Egyptians we have medicines, constructions, astronomy, cosmetics, good in order, all of this was due to the intelligence and the evolution that were taking.
X. Bibliography
1. http://html.rincondelvago.com/antiguo-egipto.html
2. http://html.rincondelvago.com/influencia-de-la-cultura-egipcia-en-occidente.html
3. http://mx.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100831152132AAPkqe2
4. http://www.oni.escuelas.edu.ar/2003/CORDOBA/386/cultura.htm
5. http://html.rincondelvago.com/antiguo-egipto_4.html
6. http://html.rincondelvago.com/civilizacion-egipcia_3.html
The ancient Egypt had much influence on our present. It was the first civilization that developed all the qualities necessary to be able to have a better life. The Ancient