The first goal is Kama, which is sensual pleasure. The fourth is Artha, which is wealth and power. The third is Dharma, which is duty. The fourth is Maksha, which was described previously as the spiritual liberation from Samsara. These four goals, in this order, are what Hindu’s believe we seek throughout life. Logically, it makes sense. During our younger, hormonal years, we seek sensual pleasure. During our working years, we seek wealth and power. When we eventually have families, we seek duty to take care of them. When they get older, they seek spiritual liberation as their life comes to an …show more content…
This form of Hinduism can be practiced by both men and women. Unlike Philosophical Hinduism, it is expressed in vernacular poems, rather than in Sanskrit. They also see the body as a temple rather than a prison. If I had to choose one that I agree with more, I would say it would Devotional Hinduism. That is because I agree more with our bodies being a temple than our bodies being a prison.
The seventh thing I found interesting is their “trinity”. They claim their trinity is Brahma (creator), Vishnu (sustainer), and Shiva (destroyer). Their New trinity consists of Shiva, Vishnu, and Mahadeva (great goddess). I do not understand how they claim to have a trinity, which is three in one, and their gods seem to be three separate entities. It especially does not make sense to me because they are able to switch out was gods are a part of their