Elderly victims are twice as likely to suffer serious physical injury and to require hospitalization as any other age group. Furthermore, the physiological process of aging brings with it a decreasing ability to heal after injury-both physically and mentally. Thus, elderly victims may never fully recover from the trauma of their victimization." (http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/publications/infores/firstrep/2001/eldvic.html) "From 1986 to 1988, elder abuse reports increased by almost 20% nationally. Research studies indicate that only 1 in 4 elder abuse incidents are reported, suggesting that 2 million incidents of elder abuse occurred in 1988." (http://home.cybergrrl.com/dv/stat/statgen.html) Elderly are also the most fearful of violence especially when they live on there on independently. They are unable to fully defend themselves because of there age and there physical ability. The worst part about elderly victims is that they are victimized by people that are close to them and that they trust; like their children, relatives, caregivers, and even sometimes friends. The most popular crime that most elderly fall victim to is robbery and assault. Lots of criminals target the elderly because they know that it is hard for them to defend themselves. Another heinous crime that takes place a lot more often then people want to believe is elderly …show more content…
When you look violence, it is everywhere in our community today. It is affecting our communities very negatively, and because of this our communities are victims of violence. It is truly believed that the community is one of the most influential parts of people life that cause violence. If you think about what was written about in the other parts of the paper, it basically speaks about the victims but there has to be someone and a reason all these crimes are. Especially when you look at a juvenile which is the leading age range in homicide, most of the homicides are being committed by other juveniles. This is why as our youth falls victim to the negativity, and violence in our community it is causes a vicious cycle. Your angry violent children that grow up and have children that live in the same communities that they grew up, and they create more angry