Electrical substation for distribution system is the main supply to convert the high voltage (HV) to low voltage (LV) and the place where load are distributed to the consumers. In Malaysia, Tenaga Nasional Berhad Distribution (TNBD) used the
33/0.433kV, 22/0.433kV, 11/0.433kV and 6.6/0.433kV voltage system for the electrical system to supply for domestic consumer and industrial consumer such as factory which will supplied directly from Transmission Main Intakes (PMU), Main Distribution Sub –station (PPU) or Main Switch Sub – station (SSU).
Electrical substation is the place where all electrical equipments such as high voltage switching, three phase transformer, high voltage cables, low voltage cables, low voltage feeder pillar, battery charging and etc which are used for electrical supplying in power system and to make sure the safety of the system by the protection scheme. Basically, electrical system have one or several in coming and out going circuit which are controlled by high voltage switching and meet in one or more in the same of busbar system. Generally, electrical substation is a point in distribution system where: * A place where several electrical equipments are installed and used for electrical energy in power system. * A place where the safety of the system is provides by automatically protection scheme. * A place where one or several incoming and outgoing circuit are met at one or more busbar system and controlled by high voltage switching equipment which is used for switching. * A place where voltage value is changed and controlled. * A place where load are distributed, controlled and protected
FUNCTIONS OF A SUBSTATION * Supply of required electrical power. * Maximum possible coverage of the supply network. * Maximum security of supply. * Shortest possible fault-duration. * Optimum efficiency of plants and the network. 2. OPERATION OF 11 kV MODULAR POWER PLAN LAB
Electric power is normally