The key approach followed for the evaluation is ‘comparative study’. While the evaluation parameters remains constant in most of the time period throughout the document, comparing the performance of the system over the period of time gives a detailed picture and helps in evaluating the performance in a concrete manner. Some of the goals for implementing the electronic health record are as follows: The goals are divided under the categories such as system, cost, office staff, billing, …show more content…
While positive effects have been noticed, some have also resulted into increased treatment time, information loss, process slow down etc. Also, the organization as a whole, the physical environment, the work practices are very complicated and complex. Apart from this, safety concerns, HIPAA regulations and other rules and regulations are further adding to complications. Thus, molding an electronic health record based on these complex and complicated structures are indeed very challenging. Therefore, after an electronic health record has been implemented, it is important to evaluate it. Post-implementation evaluation will help in improving workflows, achieve the desired goals and needs for the organization and help in understanding the benefits of EHR. The evaluation also identifies vendor issues, interface issues and staff training …show more content…
This will help in evaluating the prototype in live environments. Apart from the Simulation, a combination (mixed and match) approach. All the evaluation measures as stated above is compared at three time interval. This is to ensure that the evaluation is intense and critical. It leaves no gap in evaluating. Also, it helps in step-wise evaluation and keeps a track of how the system performed in previous evaluation assessment.
At the time of implementation:
Clinical Simulation: One such evaluation can be achieved by Clinical Simulation. This is a usability evaluation. Usability evaluations usually help in enhancing safety, efficacy, and user satisfaction of electronic health record. [2] It is one of the powerful tool to evaluate clinical information system. Also, it looks after the impact of EHR on workflow and human factors. Simulation usually takes “an attempt to re-create characteristics of real world.” [3] Since ‘simulation’, as a test of evaluation, does not produce any risk of injuring patients, it can be achieved in a controlled environment. This type of evaluation can be used at initial implementation and throughout the lifetime of the Clinical information system. Simulation evaluations have become compulsory since 2011. [4] Clinical Simulation will be performed as