Ronnie Huffman
The Brain Module: Using the OAR model The model this paper will explore is the Objective-Resource-Activities (OAR) Model. Within this paper, I will investigate: The OAR instructional model, a modification of ADDIE design, and a combination of the design supported by the OAR model. Finally, the contents of the paper function’s as a prelude in the examination a computer-based module of the Human Brain online course, designed develop, and programed to be delivered through a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Learning Content Management System (LCMS). The OAR instructional model The OAR instructional model is designed by George Joeckel, Joel Gardner, and Tae Jeon of Utah State University (Chaudry & Rahman, 2010). The designers of the OAR model establish a taxonomy of terms starting with the Subject Matter Expert-facilitator “SME/F”. Another key stakeholder in the taxonomy is the Instructor Facilitator (I-F) in an I-F online course the Instructor is facilitating a course with content provided by the SME, and she or he may or may not be an expert in the content. The model focuses specifically on the context of the material, designed for delivery online, facilitated through a learning management system (LMS). The model consists of three domains represented by the acronym of model’s title. In this project, I assume the duties and responsibility of the Subject Matter Expert-facilitator (SME/F). The SME/F and the I-F can work with the Instructional Designer (ID). The relationship between the ID and the facilitators will exist from the pre to the post cycle of course design. While this relationship can, and does exist, it is not essential to the taxonomy of key players. The SME/F refers as the individual who is responsible for the creation and is the facilitator of the delivery. [pic] The three domains are: the Objectives outline by the course requirement, the Activities
References: Calonia, J. (2012). Gen Y A 2012 Target? What you need to know to hit it. Credit Union Journal, 61(1), . Retrieved February 15, 2012, from Clark, R