Kevin Jackson
MKT 598
April 27, 2014
Anthony Bretti, Instructor
When a firm uses an external consultant to solve a problem or evaluate an opportunity the consultant can use STEEPLE (social, technological, economic, environmental, legal, and ethical), which is a preliminary analysis technique to answer why the business organization or systems exist (Wickham, & Wickham, 2008, p. 128). This analysis the consultant preforms helps to determine how the firm business fits in its external environment. The consultant can also use the balances scorecard to measure the financial and non-financial performance of the firm. The consultant will use the STEEPLE and Balance Scorecard to analyze Phillip-Morris introduction of its electronic cigarettes in the market. In addition, the consultant will make any recommendation to Phillip-Morris from the results of the STEEPLE and Balance Scorecard analysis.
STEEPLE Analysis The STEEPLE analysis is and extension of the PEST analysis. The PEST analysis acronym stands for; political, economical, social, and technological factors the firm may face in its external environment. This analysis is a form of system analysis that provides a structure for examining elements from the larger system of which the firm is a part of (Gustafson, 2002, p. 134) The STEELPE analysis includes the factors of the PEST analysis with the additions of the legal, environment, and ethical factors the firm can also face in its external environment. The consultant will examine the seven external environmental factors to solve the firm’s problem or opportunity in the market:
Sociological factors are trends and attitudes that can affect buying behaviors. The negative publicity that firms, such as Phillip-Morris on the effects of smoking cigarettes, has altered societies view of Phillip-Morris. This has led to millions of individuals to stop smoking to improve his or her health
References: Gustafson, K. (2002). The future of instructional design. In R. Rieser & J. Dempsey (Eds.), Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (pp. 333-343). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Merril/Prentice Hall Kaplan, R.S., & Norton, D.P. (1996, January-February). Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System. Harvard Business Review, 74(1), 75-85. ESBCO Host. Wickham, P., & Wickham, L. (2008). Management consulting: Delivering an effective project (3rd ed.). Harlow, England: Pearson