After 9/11, Kettl (2004) stated that here were may different departments blaming each other and finger pointing because several agents such as the INS,CIA and FBI had information about the attacks before it happen. This incident lead to the creation of the Homeland Security Act which made it easier for the different branches to share information and intelligence they have. The Homeland Security Act also brought all the different agents under one branch but still remained separate. stated that after September 11th, the United States Patriot Act made a lot of changes to the United States laws and amendments to wiretapping, electronic communications, privacy act, computer fraud and abuse act, foreign intelligence surveillance act, family education rights, privacy acts, pen register, trap and trace act, money laundering act, immigration and nationality act, financial privacy act, and fair credit act. Even thought the Patriot Act gave law enforcement and government officials almost unlimited power, they still had to have a court order, probable cause, and high level standard to meet. The Patriot Act has several new sections that were enacted after 9/11 which all gave law enforcement officers more power and weapons in fighting terrorist. According, after 9/11 new legislature redefined a pen register as "evidence or process in which recorders or decoders, routing, signaling information by an instrument or facility where information is being transmitted". The new legislature also redefines trap and trace as a process which captures incoming electronic or other impulses which identifies numbers or other dialing or routing information. After September 11th, mention that the United States…